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Wet chemical process for back side smoothing of industrially manufactured solar cells

The efficiency of solar cells can be increased simply and effectively by smoothing the back side through wet chemical etching. A smooth surface structure makes the back side highly reflective. During smoothing, the parasitic emitter on the back side is etched away as well, while a viscous paste protects the microscopic pyramidal structure on the front side. The process utilizes solely inexpensive and established technologies in industrial manufacturing of solar cells.

Recombinant peroxidase-protein G

The recombinant peroxidase-protein G fusion protein is recombinantely produced at high yields in bioreactor cultivations of Pichia pastoris. The used process enables reproducible products of consistent high quality due to independence of varying enzyme isolates and chemical conjugation procedures.

Carbon and Life in Deep Seafloor Rocks

On October 26th, an international team of scientists will sail from Southampton, UK, on board the British Royal Research Vessel James Cook. During a 6-week…

Hubble spies Big Bang frontiers

An international team of astronomers, led by Hakim Atek of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, has discovered over 250 tiny galaxies…

Regulating the flow of a self-propelled forage harvester with anticipatory sensors

Unevenly deposited swaths of green feed can cause an irregular flow in the forage harvester when crop is chopped in windrows. Thus, the energy consumption increases and a degradation of the quality of the chopped material is possible.

The described invention provides a remedy. One component of the invention are anticipatory sensors that detect the thickness or volume of the swath – not only directly on the machine, but also at a greater distance.

New methods and technologies for detecting grain yields

Modern technology enables agricultural machinery to perform better and more efficiently under changing conditions at any time. It is important that appropriate procedures secure the profitability of farmland and increase the efficiency of crop production. For this purpose detailed information on all aspects of the production process are necessary. An important part of this is a spatially resolved measurement of crop yields in real time.

The technologies presented here are inventions of Prof. Dr. Karl Wild at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden at the Faculty of Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry. Professor Karl Wild is engaged in the field “Technology in Horticulture and Agriculture”. The techniques are developments that meet the current requirements of “Smart Farming”. They employ a variety of variables / data in the harvesting process and enable the detection of the crop yield in order to optimize crop yields.
This presentation outlines five techniques for volumetric and mass flow detection and for the determination of the density of cereals as a basis for a local yield determination in harvesting machines.

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