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Dancing Magnons

HZDR team advances to next step toward neuromorphic computing. Neuromorphic computers do not calculate using zeros and ones. They instead use physical phenomena to detect patterns in large data streams…

Biosurfactants might offer an environmentally friendly solution for tackling oil spills

Can biosurfactants increase microbiological oil degradation in North Sea seawater? An international research team from the universities of Stuttgart und Tübingen, together with the China West Normal University and the…

How rhomboid protease activity is regulated

Rhomboid proteases are a promising target for new drugs. Now researchers from the Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) have uncovered a mechanism for regulating enzyme activity. The key role is…

Cause of sleep disturbance in cardiac disease identified

Around one third of people with heart disease suffer from sleep problems. In a paper published in the journal Science, a team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) shows…

Aluminum materials show promising performance

…for safer, cheaper, more powerful batteries. A good battery needs two things: high energy density to power devices, and stability, so it can be safely and reliably recharged thousands of…

Enabling autonomous exploration

Carnegie Mellon University researchers design systems allowing robots to explore on their own. A research group in Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute is creating the next generation of explorers — robots. The Autonomous…

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