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Tuberculosis therapy

… smallest particles will deliver the drug to the lungs in future. KIT and Research Center Borstel present nanoparticles with a high antibiotic concentration for inhalation – nanocarriers of antibiotics…

New driver for shapes of small quark-gluon plasma drops?

Results point to importance of internal structure of nucleons—and need for new measurements to disentangle other contributions. New measurements of how particles flow from collisions of different types of particles…

Bacterial signallers in the soil

Streptomyces bacteria produce a group of signalling molecules that trigger a variety of processes. Bacteria of the genus Streptomyces produce chemical substances called arginoketides, to which many other microorganisms react:…

Webb makes first detection of crucial carbon molecule

A team of international scientists has used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to detect a new carbon compound in space for the first time. Known as methyl cation (pronounced cat-eye-on)…

Magnetic bacteria point the way

Bacteria that “sense” Earth’s magnetic field found on deep undersea vents. Magnetotactic bacteria, which can align with the Earth’s magnetic field, have been discovered in a new location. Previously observed…

Unraveling the connections between the brain and gut

MIT engineers’ new technology can probe the neural circuits that influence hunger, mood, and a variety of diseases. The brain and the digestive tract are in constant communication, relaying signals…

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