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genALIGN: Total knee arthroplasty – fast and exact determination of the Mikulicz-line

The exact determination of the mechanical leg axis is
crucial for successful Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) . A
small deviation of the exact alignment increases stresses and strains on the implant, leading to significantly reduced life time of the artificial knee joint.
A range of mechanical and computational methods and
devices for the determination and the alignment of the
femoral component of a knee implant are available for
TKA. However, these methods are very complex, invasive and carry risks for the patient.

As­tro­chem­i­cal Dat­ing of a Stel­lar Nurs­ery

This work, to which sci­en­tists from the Uni­ver­sity of Helsinki as well as from the Max-Planck-In­sti­tutes for Radio As­tron­omy (MPIfR) and…

Recommendations by other customers significantly influence Internet purchasing behavior

The online purchasing behavior of private individuals shopping in their leisure time is heavily influenced by recommendations made by other customers. This is…

Recombinant prion protein for high-throughput prion diagnosis

Due not least to the BSE-crisis in Great Britian and the new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) a great need for a reliable diagnostic method of prion proteins exists, especially for the discrimination of prion cases from other neurodegenerative diseases. The present invention provides a method for the purification of recombinant prion proteins (rPrP), which are suitable to be used in the currently accepted detection method (Real-time quaking induced conversion, RT-QuIC) and lead to faster, more specific and overall more reliable results. Therefore, a “ready-to use protein” is provided for the detection of prion protein in blood, brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Reib-Drücken – Reib-Drücken von Hohl-Profilen

Durch die spezielle thermomechanische Prozessführung wird eine gezielte Einstellung der Gefügeeigenschaften (z.B. Härte, Festigkeit) und die Herstellung von Geometrien möglich die bisher umformtechnisch nicht herstellbar sind. Daher hat das Verfahren das Potential für die Realisierung einer flexiblen und kostengünstigen Fertigung auch kleiner Serien, da nur ein geringer teilespezifischer Werkzeugaufwand erforderlich ist. Durch den Einsatz universeller Umformwerkzeuge bei dem neuen Verfahren entfallen auch bei kleinen Losgrößen und Prototypen teure Spezialwerkzeuge. Die Erfindung konnte in Vorversuchen ihre Funktionsfähigkeit beweisen und ist beim Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt zum Patent angemeldet. Erste Testergebnisse und Musterbauteile liegen vor.

Electromagnetic gripper with removing tool for save handling of permanent magnets

The invention describes an apparatus and a method for gripping and positioning of permanent magnets. The new approach makes it possible to better controll permanent magnets within production processes regarding gripping and positioning.

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