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Chronic wound healing using glass

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have demonstrated that silver retains antimicrobial activity for longer when it is impregnated into ‘bioactive glass’, and shown for the first time how this…

Jupiter’s moon Europa may have had a slow evolution

Jupiter’s moon, Europa, is slightly smaller than Earth’s Moon and is one of the most promising places to search for alien life.  Amid the Jovian system, Europa is of particular…

Illusions are in the eye, not the mind

Numerous visual illusions are caused by limits in the way our eyes and visual neurones work – rather than more complex psychological processes, new research shows. Researchers examined illusions in…

A machine learning approach to freshwater analysis

Syracuse University and Texas A&M researchers use computer modeling to find out the sources of salinization and alkalinization in U.S. watersheds. From protecting biodiversity to ensuring the safety of drinking…

New module for the collection of ultrafine particles on the Zugspitze

On Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze, the air is thin and contains very few pollutants. Ultrafine particles only exist there when they are transported through the atmosphere over long distances….

Updating cars as fast as a smart phone

New Collaborative Research Center for Software Methods at KIT – DFG funds excellent KIT research with around EUR 11 million. Cyber-physical systems, such as vehicles, trains, airplanes, smart homes, or…

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