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The search for new particle

Discovering ‘axions’ could help answer one of the most puzzling questions in physics. One of the most high-profile mysteries in physics today is what scientists refer to as the “Strong…

Ticking time bombs on the seabed

DFKI develops innovative AI technologies for autonomous robots to recover munitions. More than one million tons of munitions dumped in the North and Baltic Seas during and after the two…

Zinc transporter has built-in self-regulating sensor

New cryo-EM structure of a zinc-transporter protein reveals how this molecular machine functions to regulate cellular levels of zinc, an essential micronutrient. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE)…

Subtle signs of fluctuations in critical point search

Analysis of lightweight nuclei emerging from gold ion collisions offers insight into primordial matter phase changes. Physicists analyzing data from gold ion smashups at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a U.S….

Weigh a quasar’s galaxy with precision

A team of researchers from EPFL have found a way to use the phenomenon of strong gravitational lensing to determine with precision – about 3 times more precise than any…

Better search for the cause of hereditary diseases

So far, it has not been possible to explain the causes of around half of all rare hereditary diseases. A Munich research team has developed an algorithm that predicts the…

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