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Scientists “revive” Stone Age molecules

Breakthroughs in ancient genome reconstruction and biotechnology are now revealing the rich molecular secrets of Paleolithic microorganisms. In a new study published in Science, a transdisciplinary team of researchers led…

Quantum computer in reverse gear

Reversible logic gates designed for large scale integer factorization. Large numbers can only be factorized with a great deal of computational effort. Physicists at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, led…

Researchers detect and classify multiple objects without images

High-speed method uses less computational power, could be useful for autonomous driving. Researchers have developed a new high-speed way to detect the location, size and category of multiple objects without…

Metamaterials: Time crystal gives light a boost

KIT researchers develop first two-dimensional photonic time crystal – Application promises enhancements in wireless communication and laser technology. Photonic time crystals, whose properties change periodically, promise significant enhancements in microwave…

ASU robotics research designs drone to cope with collisions

Built to bounce back… Search and rescue efforts following disasters like the massive earthquakes in Turkey and Syria are a race against time. Emergency response teams need to quickly identify…

Newfound link between Alzheimer’s and iron

… could lead to new medical interventions. What if amyloid beta plaques aren’t the main cause of Alzheimer’s disease? There is a growing body of evidence that iron in the…

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