Search Results for: search.php

Optical coating approach prevents fogging and unwanted reflections

Technology helps sensor and camera systems perform optimally by keeping optics transparent. Researchers have developed an optical coating system that combines antifogging and antireflective properties. The new technology could help…

New spin control method brings billion-qubit quantum chips closer

Discovery of previously unknown effect makes compact, ultra-fast control of spin qubits possible. Australian engineers have discovered a new way of precisely controlling single electrons nestled in quantum dots that…

Novel design helps develop powerful microbatteries

Translating electrochemical performance of large format batteries to microscale power sources has been a long-standing technological challenge, limiting the ability of batteries to power microdevices, microrobots and implantable medical devices….

Final results from the STEREO experiment reject sterile neutrino hypothesis

After several years of operation, the STEREO collaboration published the final results of their antineutrino studies. With their data, the researchers excluded hints for the existence of sterile neutrinos, an…

Nanotechnology may improve gene therapy for blindness

New OHSU, OSU research uses lipid nanoparticles to target light-sensitive cells in the eye. Using nanotechnology that enabled mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, a new approach to gene therapy may improve how physicians treat…

Milestone for light-driven electronics

Within the framework of the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, excitons were generated in a topological insulator for the first time. A breakthrough in quantum research, based on material design…

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