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Chiral oxide catalysts align electron spin

A research team from Münster and Pittsburgh first examined chiral oxide catalysts. The results are to help in the future production of spin-selective catalytic oxide materials, thus improving the efficiency…

Designing new quantum materials on the computer

A new design principle can now predict the properties of quantum materials that have hardly been explored so far. For the first time, a strongly correlated topological semimetal has been…

Path to the brown coloration of diatoms discovered

Biosynthetic pathway of the light-harvesting carotenoid fucoxanthin is surprisingly complex / Photoprotective pigments serve as precursors. Diatoms are microscopic unicellular algae occurring in natural waters worldwide. During photosynthesis, they take…

Large-scale study finds ten new risk genes for Crohn’s disease

The results of the international study involving the Cluster of Excellence PMI also point to a previously unknown process in the development of this chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The special…

New laser-based instrument designed to boost hydrogen research

Advance could lead to more environmentally friendly rocket fuels. Researchers have developed an analytical instrument that uses an ultrafast laser for precise temperature and concentration measurements of hydrogen. Their new…

Recycling materials: turning old batteries into new ones

LiBinfinity project aims to develop an energy-efficient recycling concept for lithium-ion batteries – kit will evaluate recyclates. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is largely involved in a new battery recycling…

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