Studies and Analyses

innovations-report maintains a wealth of in-depth studies and analyses from a variety of subject areas including business and finance, medicine and pharmacology, ecology and the environment, energy, communications and media, transportation, work, family and leisure.

Disarray in the brain

Our brain never rests completely: Even in situations without noticeable external input thousands of neurons are firing in different parts of the brain, a…

Amputees can learn to control a robotic arm with their minds

A new study by neuroscientists at the University of Chicago shows how amputees can learn to control a robotic arm through electrodes implanted in the brain.

The importance of biodiversity in forests could increase due to climate change

Forests are of great importance to humans: the wood grown in forests is used in our houses for furniture, roof timbers and flooring; forests store carbon from…

Win-win strategies for climate and food security

Climate policies that target agriculture and forests could lead to increased food prices, but reducing deforestation and increasing soil carbon sequestration…

The personality factor: How to foster the sharing of research data

The personality of a researcher can play an important part in his or her decision to share research data. This is the result of a national, interdisciplinary…

Europe’s Demographic Future. Where the Regions Are Heading after a Decade of Crises

Europe is not just the proverbial “old” continent. Its populations are also on average older than elsewhere in the world. Even now, there are only some three…

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