Studies and Analyses

innovations-report maintains a wealth of in-depth studies and analyses from a variety of subject areas including business and finance, medicine and pharmacology, ecology and the environment, energy, communications and media, transportation, work, family and leisure.

Proven effect: Music, scent and colour influence customers

The meta-analysis was performed on the basis of 66 experimental studies referring to 74 data samples spanning the period from 1982 to 2016, with over 15,600…

Being fit protects against health risks caused by stress at work

Psychosocial stress is one of the key factors leading to illness-related absences from work. This type of stress is accompanied by impaired mental well-being…

Diagnoses: When Are Several Opinions Better Than One?

The accuracy of medical decisions can be improved by combining several independent opinions. Studies conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Human…

High in calories and low in nutrients when adolescents share pictures of food online

Previous studies have found that interactions around food in social media can influence adolescents’ consumption of candy and their willingness to try…

Brain connectivity reveals hidden motives

To understand human behaviors, it is crucial to understand the motives behind them. So far, there was no direct way to identify motives. Simply observing…

A lower limit for future climate emissions

In a comprehensive new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, researchers propose a limit to future greenhouse gas emissions—or carbon budget—of…

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