Medical Wellness

Characteristics of fathers with depressive symptoms

In contrast, there is a profound paucity of information about depressive symptoms in fathers according to a follow up study by NYU School of Medicine…

Woodchucks and sudden cardiac death

How much calcium could a hibernating woodchuck's heart cells sequester, if a hibernating woodchuck's heart cells could sequester calcium? More than enough, it…

Theory of the “Rotting” Y Chromosome Dealt a Fatal Blow

Such is the case for a team of Whitehead Institute scientists, whose latest research on the evolution of the human Y chromosome confirms that the Y—despite…

BMT 2012 – Biomedical Technology Congress in Jena

Organizers are the German Society for Biomedical Engineering within VDE (DGBMT), the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, the Ilmenau University of…

Implantable, Wireless Sensors Share Secrets of Healing Tissues

A new implantable sensor developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute can wirelessly transmit data from the site of a recent orthopedic surgery. Inexpensive…

Preventing and treating drug use with smartphones

Clinical researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) are combining an innovative constellation of technologies such as artificial…

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