Technology Offerings

Agents against common colds, SARS and other coronaviral diseases

Human coronaviruses (HcoV) are the major cause of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in humans. Apart from the common cold these include e.g. the…

Specific inhibitors of 11beta-HSD1

The crucial point in glucocorticoid related diseases, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, hyperglycaemia, arteriosclerosis, dementia,…

Redoxcyclic Sensor

The invention consists of an electrochemical measuring cell with redox mediators for measuring very low concentrations. Nevertheless, by means of designing…

genALIGN: Total knee arthroplasty – fast and exact determination of the Mikulicz-line

The exact determination of the mechanical leg axis is

crucial for successful Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) . A

SmartTrepan: Sensor Guided Trepanation System for safe and efficient craniotomy

Accidental dural tears in craniotomy significantly increase

infection risk and often complicate the surgical procedure.

fadeAWAY: Highly effective Anti-fading agent for single-molecule fluorescence microscopy with extend lifetime

Single-molecule fluorescence provides valuable

information on elementary biological processe s in a range

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