Technology Offerings

Homogenization of magnetic fields

This innovation from a German university provides a shielded homogeneous magnetic field, especially suited for the transport of spin-polarized gases or…

RBL-C5aR cell line

Scientists at the University of Göttingen developed a transfectant RBL-C5aR cell line which is able to express more than 1 million C5a receptors on its cell…

RBL-cell lines

Scientists of the University of Göttingen developed many different transfectant RBL-celllines which are overexpressing different Chemokine receptors like CCR5,…

Gentle Process for Making HgSe und HgTe Nanocrystallites

In a hitherto unknown, wet-chemical redox reaction, which can be very easily and rapidly accomplished, largely spherical HgSe or HgTe particle clusters having…

Genotyping of Degraded and Low Copy DNA Samples

DNA typing of distinct STR loci establishes the identification of individuals or biological samples collected at crime scenes since several years. If only low…

Calibrated mechanical pain measurement device

Until now, there is no reliable and reproducible method for mechanical

pain assessment. The instrument we offer makes a standardized pain

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