Technology Offerings

Production of microparticles with a micromixer

Microparticles are particles in which an active agent is immobilized by means of a shell or coating. As a rule, the coating or shell is made of a cross-linked…

Generation of three-dimensional images in mass spectrometry

The subject-matter of the invention at hand is the laterally resolved, three-dimensional mass spectrometric imaging. The sample to be analysed is located on a…

High-Speed Hough Chip

Die Erfindung betrifft eine aktive Computational Map mit der prinzipiell sowohl akustische als auch optische Muster nach Programmierung der Map in einem…

Process for cutting meso- and nanofibers

Short meso- and nanofibers have a multitude of potential applications, for instance in optics, electronics, in filtration applications and galenics. However,…

Microsensor to Measure the Cellular Photosynthesis and the Respiration in Leaves

A microsensor with a new type of silicone gasket permits for the first time the direct and continuous determination of gases beyond single stomata of leaves….

Pedal ergometer (MR_PEDALO) for a defined stress examination of the lower leg muscles

The device will be operated by a modular composed measuring station combined with a dynamic nuclear spin tomograph, a software to analyse the measurement of…

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