Technology Offerings

Biological Varroose control through interference with reproductive behaviour of Varroa bee mites

Scientists at the University of Hohenheim, Germany, have developed the first biological and bee-friendly Varroose control method. The method exploits the fact, that female mites exude a pheromone which incites the mating behavior of the males.
After isolating the pheromone and identifying its components, followed another breakthrough with the discovery, that single components of the pheromone affect the mating behavior effectively, too. Currently the scientists run successful field tests using oleic acid, a low-priced component, which is unproblematic with regard to food regulations and suitable for application as a spray.

In Vivo Screening Based on Fluorescence to Identify Novel Antimicrobial Substances

The hierarchical and precisely controlled process creating ribosomes in living cells is known as ribosome assembly and is relatively little researched. In the eyes of many experts the early processes in the creation of ribosomes offer attractive targets for antimicrobial agents. The systematic search for such substances is made more difficult by the fact, that currently no suitable screening processes exist.

The present invention consists of stable bacterial strains with ribosomal subunits incorporating fluorescent markers, which have growth characteristics similar to wild type, and which have an intact translation apparatus. The positioning of the fluorophores allows for disturbances in the ribosome assembly to be detected in vivo by a fluorescence-based readout process. The process has been optimized for use with multi-well plates and thus is suitable for use in high throughput screenings (HTS).

Fluorescence-based Monitoring of the Ribosomal Activity to Optimize Yield from Recombinant Proteins

In vitro transcription/translation systems (ivtt) are used in biotechnology mainly to produce recombinant proteins whose production in vivo would be toxic. The experimental analysis normally involves autoradiography, i.e. it requires the labelling of translation products with radioactive isotopes. Handling these isotopes is expensive, a potential health hazard and limits throughput.

The present invention consists of stable bacterial strains with ribosomal subunits incorporating fluorescent markers, which have growth characteristics similar to wild type and which have an intact translation apparatus. This opens the opportunity for measuring the translation activity in real time using fluorescence. It is possible to carry out experiments in a shorter time and at less cost in multi-well plates, varying several reaction parameters in parallel to optimize yield.

Feldgeführter planarer Präzisionsantrieb mit einem luftgeführten Läufer

Ein feldgeführter planarer Präzisionsmotor mit luftgelagertem Läufer ist
mit verkürzten planaren Antriebsspulen ausgestattet, die zwecks
energieminimierter Erweiterung des Verfahrbereiches in ihren X- und Y-
Koordinaten jeweils präzisionslineargeführt und bewegt werden und der
Bewegung des Hauptläufers synchron folgen.

High-density fibreboard made of renewable raw materials, suitable for free-form modelling

Scientists from Stuttgart University developed a flexible high-density fibreboard with slip-resistant and shock-absorbent properties. The fibreboard consists of 80 % to 90 % straw, a natural, annually renewable fibre and agricultural by-product. It can be produced free of formaldehyde and isocycanate, making it the ideal solution for various indoor applications and minimizing the health risks during the product's entire life cycle. In addition to being recyclable and compostable the new fibreboard is highly flexible and therefore suitable for designing free-form furniture and interior spaces.

Efficient high-performance PCI-Express network

We present a novel network design for high-performance computing (HPC). Our network architecture provides a scalable, low-cost, and power-efficient network with very high bandwidth and low latency.

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