Technology Offerings

Innovative Process for Precipitating High-Resistance Aerosol Particles

Electrical precipitators are used to precipitate particles out of gas streams in a process for which the electrical resistance of the particles plays a decisive role in how the precipitator functions.

An electrical precipitator is suitable for precipitating particulate matter with a specific electrical resistance within a range from 10⁴ to 1011 Ωcm. Particulate matter with higher electrical resistance causes what is called a “back corona”, which severely disrupts the precipitation process.

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ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH Brainshell
Phone: +49 (0)331/200 29-262

Kerstin Nowak

As Germany's association of technology- and patenttransfer agencies TechnologieAllianz e.V. is offering businesses access to the entire range of innovative research results of almost all German universities and numerous non-university research institutions. More than 2000 technology offers of 14 branches are beeing made accessable to businesses in order to assure your advance on the market. At a free, fast and non-bureaucratic access to all further offers of the German research landscape is offered to our members aiming to sucessfully transfer technologies.

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