Technology Offerings

Equine Inhalation Mask: A Smart Solution for Respiratory Health

Since horses commonly suffer from illnesses of the upper respiratory tract, an effective inhalation therapy can help avert financial losses for race/sports horse owners. The equine inhalation apparatus that are currently available all contain probes that have to be fed into the animal’s nose. During the administration of the medicaments, the inlet pipe as well as the horses head must stay in a fixed position. In addition, the apparatus that are currently available cause irregular and loud noises. Horses generally find all of these factors unpleasant and disturbing, and cannot accustom them-selves to the procedures, becoming anxious and defensive in their behaviour: the horses stop breathing properly, resulting in the medicaments insufficiently or not at all reaching the lungs. Moreover, when the horse exhales, very often the medicaments enter into the inhaled air of the person tending to the horse.

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TransMIT Gesellschaft für Technologietransfer mbH
Phone: +49 (0)641/943 64-12

Dr. Peter Stumpf

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