A good wine is unmistakable. It has its own particular taste, its own characteristic and singular aroma. None of this happens by accident: the production of…
The eneramic® system is a user-friendly and light-weight electricity generator for camping and outdoor activities which can be operated with commercially…
However, so far there are no methods to test them systematically and at low cost for malfunctions and security vulnerabilities. Therefore, computer scientists…
In view of that fact, computer scientists at Saarland University are designing mathematical calculations to check such systems automatically. The scientists…
On September 25 – 28, Security Essen will once again become the meeting place of international security and fire protection experts. At its most recent…
The varied programme for SITL Europe 2012 has been finalised and, one month before its opening date, SITL Europe 2012 is fully booked. “The occupancy rate is…