Trade Fair News

The SME worker's third hand

For the first time intuitive and close cooperation of humans and robots becomes a reality in a workshop setting based on a new and intuitive operation and…

Woodworking assistant

The woodworking assistant is intended for use as a versatile tool of a joiner or carpenter in a crafts joinery. It can flexibly carry out various types of…

New parallel kinematic robot for demanding industrial applications

The EU project SMErobot presents a fundamentally new robot concept that allows the affordable robot automation of demanding industrial applications.The new…

Five minute robot programming

Robot programming can be so easy:Technologies from the fields of control, sensors and visualization allow the fast and intuitive programming of a KUKA robot…

Robot programming for everyone

The main drawback of using robots for frequently changing environments and tasks, something which is typical of production in small and medium-sized…

Desktop "Plug-and-Produce" robot for class-room use

Industrially applicable robot technologies have so far been available only to a small extent for teaching and educational purposes. Instead, toy-like robots…

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