Transportation and Logistics

This field deals with all spatial and time-related activities involved in bridging the gap between goods and people, including their restructuring. This begins with the supplier and follows each stage of the operational value chain to product delivery and concludes with product disposal and recycling.

innovations-report provides informative reports and articles on such topics as traffic telematics, toll collection, traffic management systems, route planning, high-speed rail (Transrapid), traffic infrastructures, air safety, transport technologies, transport logistics, production logistics and mobility.

Siemens to equip Line 4 of the Metro Paris for driverless operation

Siemens received an order from the Paris public transport operator RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) to equip the 27 stations of Paris Metro Line…

First German long-distance line without fixed signals commences operation

As part of the 8th German Unity Transport Project (VDE 8), Siemens and its consortium partner Kapsch CarrierCom Deutschland GmbH are currently equipping the…

COP21 should focus more on urban transport and electric cars

Prior to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris the researchers point to a promising avenue for the transport sector to mitigate climate change. At…

Avenio tram commences passenger service in The Hague

“Before commencing passenger services, we carried out extensive tests, as we make no compromise when it comes to safety. I am very satisfied with the results,…

Satellite data and digital maps are to protect against wrong-way drivers

Wrong-way drivers driving against the permitted direction of traffic cause almost 2,000 traffic accidents with approximately 20 fatalities on German motorways…

Research initiative presents new traffic technologies for cities

Drivers have to be ready to react quickly to the unexpected, especially in busy traffic. For Fraunhofer IAO project manager Frederik Diederichs, the same…

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