This field deals with all spatial and time-related activities involved in bridging the gap between goods and people, including their restructuring. This begins with the supplier and follows each stage of the operational value chain to product delivery and concludes with product disposal and recycling.
innovations-report provides informative reports and articles on such topics as traffic telematics, toll collection, traffic management systems, route planning, high-speed rail (Transrapid), traffic infrastructures, air safety, transport technologies, transport logistics, production logistics and mobility.
“Transportation networks and in particular the highway transportation network are like the body's circulatory system for the nation,” says Zoltán Toroczkai,…
Scientists from the Institute of Business Administration and the Institute of Railway and Transportation Engineering at the University of Stuttgart are jointly…
At the Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress last week, MIT researchers received one of the best-paper awards for a new system, dubbed RoadRunner,…
“By 2050 at the latest, the situation may change. The ‘Internet of Things’ will revolutionize the world to the same extent that the Internet did before it,”…
Train location systems traditionally work with track current circuits or loops, which make use of the short circuit established between the rails and the…
At issue are “cockpit displays of traffic information” (CDTIs). These are GPS displays used by private pilots to track other aircraft in their vicinity….